• contact@elte-dh.hu
  • 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6-8.

Keynote speakers: Mathieu Jacomy

Dear All, we would like to get you excited for the conference by sharing details about some of the the inspirational guest speakers beforehand. We are delighted to announce that we will also have Mathieu Jacomy as one of the international keynote speakers in the conference lineup in November.


Conference program now available

We are happy to announce that the full conference program has been uploaded to the website.


Registration for ELTE students is open

Passive participation for ELTE students is free of charge.


prae.hu is our official media partner


Registrations open

The registration link for full participation on the conference is now available on the website. Registration link for passive participation will be arriving shortly.


Keynote speakers: Dr. Roland Molontay

Before revealing the full program of the DH_Budapest_2022 conference to the audience, we would like to get you excited by sharing some names of the inspirational guest speakers. We are delighted to announce that in November we will have Dr. Roland Molontay as one of the keynote speakers in the conference lineup.
