• contact@elte-dh.hu
  • 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6-8.

The ABSTRACT BOOKLET of the conference is available online.


23 NOVEMBER (Wednesday)

Venue Nagy Laboratórium, Department of Digital Humanities (Múzeum körút 6-8. / Main building, 2nd floor)
9:00-10:30 Registration
10:30-11:15 Conference opening, Opening presentation (DARIAH)
11:15-11:35 Coffee break



Nagy Laboratórium, Department of Digital Humanities (Múzeum körút 6-8. / Main building, 2nd floor)

Szekfű Gyula Könyvtár (Múzeum körút 6-8. / Main building, 1st floor)

Chair Kees Teszelszky (KB, National Library of the Netherlands, University of Groningen)
Perczel Júlia (Central European University, Department of Network and Data Science)
Angel Abundis: Use of Machine Learning Classification Models, both Image and Text, in the Network Graphing. Case Study: Community of Practice Among Graffiti Writers on Freight trains
Akihiro Kawase, Junji Adachi, Kiichi Nakasu, Ayaka Kojima and Aoi Morikawa: Structuring Melody in Traditional Japanese Music Using Network Theory
Jun Ogawa, Satoru Nakamura, Asanobu Kitamoto: Historical Knowledge Graph Creation with User-friendly Linked Data Editor
Anna Matuszewska: Interactive diagrammatic music analysis
Mats Fridlund, Daniel Broden, Leif-Jöran Olsson, Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, Magnus P. Ängsal and Patrik Öhberg: Mapping the Domestic Politics of International Terror: An Actant Network Analysis of Swedish Parliamentary Debate on Terrorism, 1971–1978
Chia-Ling Peng: Invisible Network: Investigations of Graphic Notations through the Theory of Rationality and the Network Theory
Yu Zhao, Zhaoyi Ma, Beijie He and Jie He: Ontology-Based Image Knowledge Organization for Yangshi Lei Archives
Christina Crowder and Clara Byom: The The Klezmer Archive Project — Documenting Culture Bearers and Human Networks in Traditional Music Communities



13:30-14:30 Lunch

Nagy Laboratórium, Department of Digital Humanities (Múzeum körút 6-8. / Main building, 2nd floor)

14:30-15:00 Web archiving workshop  Márton Németh: The theoretical and practical fundamental elements of web archiving – The first steps of institutional web archiving in Hungary  

15:00-15:30 Web archiving workshop Kees Teszelszky: Archiving the Apocalypse: event harvests of crises in web archives for digital humanities research

Web archiving workshopZsófia Sárközi-Lindner, Balázs Indig, Mihály Nagy: Opposing trends – Perspectives of using clean, small data with descriptive metadata in web archiving

16:00-17:00 Web Archiving Workshop

Panel Presentation:

Márton Németh (Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives)
Balázs Indig (National Laboratory for Digital Heritage)
Gábor Palkó (National Laboratory for Digital Heritage)
Mihály Nagy (National Laboratory for Digital Heritage)
Zsófia Sárközi-Lindner (National Laboratory for Digital Heritage)
Kees Teszelszky (KB, National Library of the Netherlands)
17:00-20:00 Standing Reception – Kari Tanácsterem (Múzeum körút 4/A / Building A, Ground floor)



24 NOVEMBER (Thursday)

Venue Nagy Laboratórium, Department of Digital Humanities (Múzeum körút 6-8. / Main building, 2nd floor)
9:00-10:00 Keynote Lecture

Mathieu Jacomy: Visual Network Analysis and Social Network Analysis for the humanities  

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break


Venue Központi olvasóterem (Múzeum körút 6-8. / Main building, ground floor) Venue Nagy Laboratórium, Department of Digital Humanities (Múzeum körút 6-8. / Main building, 2nd floor)
Chair Gábor Prószéky (MorphoLogic, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Pazmany Peter Catholic University)
Chair Mathieu Jacomy (Aalborg University, TANTLab, Gephi)
Agoston Toth and Esra Abdelzaher: BERT helps in sense delineation
Jana-Katharina Mende: Visualising Multilingual Literary Networks in 19th Century Monolingual Literary History
Alejandro Napolitano Jawerbaum: Of Manifestos and Mathematicians: A Case Study on Cross-Topic Identity Profiling Using Ted Kaczynski
Gert Huskens, Christophe Verbruggen, Jan Vandersmissen and Julie M. Birkholz: Lifting the veil of Levantine cosmopolitanism: diplomatic networking in Egypt, 1873-1914
Begoña Altuna, Mikel Iruskieta, Ainara Estarrona, Aritz Farwell, Jose Maria Arriola, Jon Alkorta and Xabier Arregi: CLARIAH-EUS: Building a Cross-border CLARIAH Node for the Basque Language
Jan Lampaert: Mapping the neo-avant-garde: visual network analysis of Flemish literary periodicals (1949-1970).
Gábor Simon: The network of personifications in online texts: case studies from the PerSE corpus
11:30-12:00 Discussion
Mária Tímári: The edition’s influence on the results of computer-based authorship attributoin of 19th century Hungarian novels


Richárd Fejes (National Laboratory for Digital Heritage)
So Miyagawa and Sophie Neutzler: Digitization of a Japanese Christian Text from the Sixteenth Century
Patrick Juola and Alejandro J. Napolitano Jawerbaum: Stylometric Authorship Attribution in Seychellois Creole
Tajana Jaklenec and Željka Tonković: Creating knowledge of new architecture: Socio-semantic analysis of the magazine Arhitektura (1931-1934)
12:30-13:00 Discussion 12:40-13:00 Discussion
13:00-14:00 Lunch



Venue Nagy Laboratórium, Department of Digital Humanities (Múzeum körút 6-8. / Main building, 2nd floor)
14:00-14:30 Panel Presentation (DARIAH)
Chair Tóth-Czifra Erzsébet (DARIAH)
Ádám Sebestyén: Semantic networks in ELTEdata
Patryk Hubar, Nikodem Wołczuk, Dariusz Perliński, Róbert Péter and Vojtěch Malínek: Literarybibliography.eu: harmonizing European bibliographical data on literature
Wachiraporn Klungthanaboon: Thai Digital Humanities Researchers’ Perspectives on Sharing Research Data
Kata Dobás: The semantic pattern of Dezső Kosztolányi’s bibliography
15:50-16:20 Discussion
16:20-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:00 Panel Presentation (DARIAH)
20:00- Pubquiz & Informal social event – Zuzmó (József körút 75., Budapest VIII. kerület, Hungary)


25 NOVEMBER (Friday)


Venue Nagy Laboratórium, Department of Digital Humanities (Múzeum körút 6-8. / Main building, 2nd floor)
9:00-10:00 Keynote Lecture

Molontay Roland: Introducing HSDSLab: How data and network science can help to answer research questions in human and social sciences?

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
Chair László Bengi (Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Hungarian Literature and Cultural Studies)
Indig Balázs, Palkó Gábor: Automatic citation detection as a “distant reading” praxis: scrutinizing text similarity techniques on Hungarian texts
10:50-11:10 Zsófia Fellegi, Anita Káli, Gábor Palkó, Zoltán Szénási: “War as Network, Mihály Babits’s poems about First World War “
Claus-Michael Schlesinger and Pascal Hein: From WARC to Graph: Link Extraction for Web Archive Analytics
12:00-12:50 Coffee Break
Chair László Bengi (Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Hungarian Literature and Cultural Studies)
12:50-13:10 Zsófia Fellegi: Digital philology and the semantic web
13:10-13:30 Andor Márton Horváth: Critical editions in a database
Levente Seláf and Anita Markó: A Comprehensive Network Analysis of Early Hungarian Melodies and Poetical Forms
Botond Szemes and Bence Vida: Structural differences between tragedies and comedies
14:10-14:40 Discussion
14:40-15:10 Conference Closing
17:00-20:00 Informal social event & Last drinks 

FIRST Local Craft Beer and Kitchen (Budapest, Madách Imre tér 3, 1075)


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