• contact@elte-dh.hu
  • 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6-8.


Textual scholarship, artificial intelligence, corpora and intelligent editions
The nineteenth annual conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS 2024)
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest 2-4 October 2024

Although the deep learning-based AI revolution in human language processing began at least a decade ago, the emergence of generative AI through ChatGPT has far exceeded even experts’ expectations. Will AI make textual scholarship and our editing practices smarter? Will we be able to produce intelligent editions, in print or online, without the “help” of computers in the third decade of the 21st century?

In this context, it is worth considering the opportunities and threats of the computer as a cultural artefact in the production of scholarly editions, or in textual scholarship in general, from the Index Thomisticus (Roberto Busa) to Winchester Philology (Thorsten Ries) and the technology of the Semantic Web. The conference also addresses the role of corpora and corpus linguistic methods in the humanities, such as computer-based analysis and annotation of poetic texts.


Papers on the following or related topics are welcome:
  • What is an Intelligent Edition?
  • Who is the (digital) edition for?
  • Can editions become more inclusive?
  • What challenges is textual scholarship facing?
  • Is there a future for print?
  • Textual Scholarship and/as data
  • Editorial Interfacing
  • (Digital) Research Infrastructure and Future-proofing the Edition
  • Editing and Deep Learning
  • Corpus linguistics as Method and Tool
  • Annotation and Commentary in the Age of Google


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Scholarly editing, textual scholarship and/as research data – in the age of FAIR data management
  • Versioning, persistent identification, standardization, metadata schemes, data mining, search tools, search platforms. Named entity recognition, data enrichment, linked open data
  • Scholarly editions on display. Displaying scholarly editions.
  • Arrangement of philological data on the printed surface of paper and on the computer displays, marking-up, sign systems in print and on the screen, relation of the visual arrangement of the source and the edition; lists, glossaries, annotations, marginalia and footnotes: what they disclose and what they hide. Digital interfaces, responsive design and visual stability/instability. Digitizing scholarly editions and printing digital ones.
  • Rule based digital tools, automatic collation, data visualization; intertextuality detection, stylometry and authorship attribution: old and new methods. Deep learning (HTR, LLM), digital research infrastructures.
  • Corpus linguistic methods and tools in poetic research: canonical and non-canonical poetic genres, characteristics of lyrical and narrative poetry (e.g. grammatical and semantic patterns, poetic styles and devices, literary periods), quantitative and qualitative methods
  • Electronic literature and the challenges of textual scholarship
  • Born-digital and digitized sources and the challenges of textual scholarship
  • The audiences of digital and printed editions.


Contributions to the ESTS Conference may take the following forms:
  • Research Papers
    Individual scholars are welcome to submit proposals for papers which may then be selected for
    panels. 20 minutes in length. Please supply an abstract of 150 words (max) + bio of 100 words
  • Panel sessions
    We also invite groups of scholars (3 speakers) to submit proposals for thematically linked research paper panels. 90 minutes in length (3 x 20 minute papers + q&a). Please supply 3 abstracts of 150 words (max) each + bios of 100 words (max) for each speaker. The organisers will give preference to panels that reflect the diversity of our field.
  • Roundtable
    We also invite groups of scholars (up to 6 speakers) to submit proposals for thematically linked roundtable sessions. 90 minutes in length (10 mins per speaker + q&a). Please supply an overall abstract of 250 words (250 words) for the roundtable + bios of 100 words (max) for each speaker.
  • Poster sessions
    We will run a poster session as part of the main conference program. Topics of interest include all topics listed above. The poster session is an opportunity for researchers to discuss their early/ongoing work with attendees. The posters presented are to be between sizes A3 and A2; Please provide an abstract of maximum 250 words.


Proposals are to be submitted on the registration link by 15 May 2024

Proposals are to be reviewed by early June


Further information

Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on the email adress below:



The Organising Committee

ESTS – The European Society for Textual Scholarship

ELTE-DH –Department of Digital Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University

ELTE-MIKTI – Institute of Hungarian Literature and Cultural Studies, Eötvös Loránd University

ELTE-DiAGram – Research Group in Stylistics

HUN-REN RCH Institute for Literary Studies


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