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  • 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6-8.

Program of the ESTS Conference 2024

Keynote Speakers

Georg Vogeler October 2, 12:00 PM
Talking to machines – scholarly editing as an AI engineering task?
Elena Pierazzo October 3, 9:00 AM
Textual scholarship in the age of AI: breakthroughs, workflows and the risk of disenfranchising
Find more information about the conference venue and registration.


October 2, 2024

Session 1 

Session A – A039 9:45-11:45
Elli Bleeker, Beatrice Nava, Peter Boot, Mariken Teeuwen
and Leo Jansen
The eDITem Model: Towards Future-Proof Digital Editions 9:45-10:15
Wim Van Mierlo Intelligent Editing: The New Documentary Edition 10:15-10:45
Gábor Palkó Creating Print-Ready Formats from TEI XML: Challenges and
Methodologies in Born-Digital Critical Editions
Floor Buschenhenke and Lamyk Bekius (ONLINE) Track Changes: studying born-digital writing 11:15-11:45



Session B – A-150 9:45-11:45
Kirsten Vad, Krista Stinne Greve Rasmussen and Katrine
Frøkjær Baunvig (ONLINE)
Automating Explanatory Commentary: AI-Driven Approaches in
Sasha Rudan, Lazar Kovacevic, Sinica Rudan and Eugenia Kelbert LitTerra – an intertextual DH platform for informed and responsible AI interactions with literature 10:15-10:45


Session 2

Session A – A039 14:30 -15:30
Jon Tafdrup, Katrine Frøkjær Baunvig and Krista Stinne
Greve Rasmussen
Modeling the Literary Archive: From Manuscripts to a
Database (Using AI)
Albrecht Hofheinz Unlocking Arabic Manuscripts: Imperfect HTR as a Stepping
Stone for AI-powered Analysis


Session 3

Session A – A039 16:00-18:00
Emanuele Leboffe and Ramón Valdés Gázquez The digital critical edition of El Castigo Sin Venganza, a canonical play with an autograph manuscript and a complex tradition 16:00-16:30
Teresa Filipe What is a meaningful textual link? Marginalia and exogenesis. 16:30-17:00
Dirk Van Hulle Sustaining Digital Editions: The Case of the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project 17:00-17:30
Katrin Henzel The implied user on the empirical test bench 17:30-18:00


October 3, 2024

Session 1

Session A – A039 10:15-12:15
Paulina Chorzewska-Rubik Source code philology – born-digital poetry and authorial
textual variants
Noémi Prótár, Róbert Kopcsák and Péter Horváth Approaches to the analysis of the Corpus of Hungarian
Lyrical Poetry’s Song Lyrics subcorpus
Réka Sólyom Neologisms of Hungarian slam poetry: a corpus-based analysis 11:15-11:45
Péter Horváth Syntactic repetition in canonical Hungarian poetry 11:45-12:15


Session B – A-150 10:45-12:15
Julia Nantke, Vanessa Klomfaß, Frank Steinicke and Qianqi Huang Multimodal modeling in the age of born-digitals: Walter Kempowski’s Ortslinien 10:45-11:15
Ewelina Dubicka Exploring Research Opportunities in Digital Editions: Genetic Criticism and Tools 11:15-11:45
Thorsten Ries Digital Scholarly Editing and AI as Paradigm Shift of



Session 2

Session A – A039 14:30 -15:30
Kiyoko Myojo and Yasuhiro Sakamoto How Generative AI will revolutionize dynamic editing:
Towards an intelligent edition
David Wrisley and Hartley Roxanne Miller From HTR to GPT: Repositioning Expert Judgment in
Automating Medieval Documentary Editions


Session B – A-150 14:30 -15:30
Claudia Esch, Yannik Herbst, Jana Klinger and Pia Henning Digital Scholarly Editions in the Making. Reflecting on
Hana Kosáková Actors involved in the work process. The issue of
finalizing a literary work and its path to publication.


Session 3

Session A – A039 16:00-17:30
Péter Kasza A Window into a Historian’s Workshop: The Several Times
Rewritten Historical Work of Wolfgang Lazius
Christian Thomas Since Intelligent Editions are digital, the future for
print is derivative: The digital paradigm in the context of
single source, hybrid editions.
Zsófia Fellegi Transitioning from Analogue to Born-Digital: Methodological
Shifts in Publishing Medieval and Early Modern Central
European Texts


Session B – A-150 16:00-17:30
Mateusz Antoniuk A Man versus the Monster of a Machine. AI, poetry, and
genetic criticism
Emese K. Molnár and Gábor Simon Is person marking a significant feature of lyrical
discourse? A keyness analysis


October 4


Session 1

Session A – A039 9:45-11:45
Gabor Toth Reinventing the Scholarly Monograph in Digital Age 9:45-10:15
Krista Stinne Greve Rasmussen, Emilie Karner Hansen,
Katrine Baunvig, Jon Tafdrup and Kirsten Vad
Let it go! Setting data and editors free in relation to
rendition and long-term storage
Elsa Pereira Complete Works Editions on Print and Digital Displays 11:45-12:15


Session B – A-150 9:45-11:45
Sakari Katajamäki TEI Files as a Starting Point for Dialogue Research 9:45-10:15
Adelle Hay Digitizing a ‘mutilated text’; authorial intent and Anne


ESTS Annual Members Meeting 12:15-12:45